VMware issue
David Vincent
dvincent at sleepdeprived.ca
Fri Aug 17 00:02:06 UTC 2007
marc wrote:
> Hi,
> VMware server is, for the most part, working fine. I have Windows 2000,
> various Linux incantations and some 3rd-party VMs all running - it's a
> marvelous thing
> However, whenever, I reboot, and then try to run a VM, VMware server
> fails to load the VM with:
> Unable to change virtual machine power state. The process exited with
> an error: End of error message.
> Which is rather uninformative.
> Now, if I:
> aptitude reinstall vmware-server
> then things start working as normal.
> Can anyone help? Thanks?
Check the permissions on ~/.vmware and the files within. Do they belong
to you or root? Did you install VM from the Canonical Commercial repo
or from the source downloaded from VMWare?
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