Open Source or a commercial offering?

Anthony M Simonelli a.simonelli at
Thu Aug 16 16:34:43 UTC 2007

Thank you for all of your responses.  Everyone brought
up very great points and many things to consider.  In
my situation, with a staff of two servicing 70 users
and a minimal budget, open source has been a life
saver in many respects.  When I started 3 years ago, I
didn't even know what Linux was, so the time spent
with it have been very valuable and educational, in
all aspects of IT.  I am very thankful for the open
source community and their commitment to high quality
software that "does the job every time" and for being
a liberator from the proprietary licensing lock-ins. 
So I think the combination of the two, education &
superior software, are well worth it in my situation.

Thanks again everyone for helping me tackle this

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