Installing Linux throught windows without CD

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Aug 16 16:16:02 UTC 2007

On 08/16/2007 06:25 AM, Ricardo Schmidt wrote:
> Hello all,
> I need to intall Ubuntu in a pc. But this computer does not have CD reader.
> So, I need to enter in windows to download the iso file.
> But how could I intall the Ubuntu without the CD drive?!
> Is there one way to install Ubuntu throughout windows without CD?!
> Thank in advance,
> Ricardo.

As others have mentioned, you can use wubi (added info besides the wubi
site: However, here are some
addtional instructions:
Installation without a CD

The documents listed below provide instructions for installing Ubuntu
without using a CD or CD-ROM drive.

    * SmartBootManagerHowto - Installing from a PC which will not boot
from CD
    * Installation/FromUSBStick - Installing from a USB memory stick
    * Installation/WithFloppies - Installing without a CD drive over a
    * Installation/FromHardDriveWithFloppies - Installing without a CD
drive or network capabilities from a hard drive
    * Installation/FromWindows - Installing from Windows without using
floppies, a CD, or any other removable media
    * Installation/FromLinux - Installing using a spare partition from
an existing Linux system to house the Ubuntu .iso.
==== looks like
your best bet.

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