Networking Linux and XP

ABD Computer Installations admin at
Tue Aug 14 05:09:22 UTC 2007

your first and foremost dilemma is to get Linux speaking to some
wireless gear.
You could always try the NDISWRAPPER alternative using your existing
equipment, or better still try to locate in your area some vendor that
provides linux compatible Wifi cards.

Once connected to the router you will need to set up SAMBA to get the
two OS'es talking - then you can make shares and configure printing etc



On Tue, 2007-08-14 at 00:32 -0400, Yanni Enya wrote:
>         All,
> I have both an XP and ubuntu Linux desktop.  I would like to network
> them using a wireless system.  I have been told that it is difficult
> to find drivers for the Linux side and I should therefore hardwire the
> router to the Linux box and use a USB adapter for the XP side. 
> I would prefer to do the opposite.  ie attach the router to the XP and
> have the Linux box as a satellite. What hardware would you recommend
> to have the Compaq XP as connected to the router and as adapter for
> the Dell Linux box 
> Would this combo work for hardwiring the Dell Linux box?
> Belkin F5D7230-4 Wireless G Router - 54Mbps, 802.11g,
> 4-Port         for the linux side
> Belkin F5D7050 USB Wireless Adapter - 54Mbps, 802.11g, USB 2.0     for
> the XP side
> Thank you
> Michael

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