Linux Vs Windows in security

Lev Lafayette lev at
Tue Aug 14 03:57:57 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-08-14 at 13:43 +1000, Peter Garrett wrote:

> I know it's a nit-pick, but, cj and Allan - please don't use the word
> "hack/hacker" when what you *actually*  mean is "crack/cracker" . See for
> example
> Ubuntu is developed by hackers :)

Personally, I take Bruce Sterling's PoV on this. It's the same thing really; it's just that hackers wear the white hats :-)

All the best,

Lev Lafayette (certainly not speaking on behalf of IVT on this issue!) 
Internet Vision Technologies
Level 1, 520 Dorset Road Croydon, VIC 3136
Ph: +61 3 9723 9399

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