Linux Vs Windows in security

Chris racerx at
Mon Aug 13 20:35:37 UTC 2007

On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 13:28:33 -0700 (PDT)
Cesar Augusto Suarez <cemaaiem at> wrote:

> Hi.
> I have a doubt about it:
> I know that one of the bigest critics to windows is about security
> in the s.o. instad Linux who has fame of very secure s.o.
> However, i know that windows (same that linux) save the pass in a
> hidden file, if we can locate that file, just edit and voila¡ and the
> last is about Vista, with the vista cd i can have root access to the
> system if i have physical access to it
> In linux, i´ve seeing thats the same, with the live cd, if we have
> physical access to the pc, we can change root access just by typing a
> new pass.
> Then, where is  really the security ?

You need to understand Unix and Windows. It's just as simple as editing
a file and bingo...

Get a good book on Unix and you'll understand. Unix is by far the
securest compared to Windows (out of the box, for the most part). It's
what users add, remove, and fail to lock down what makes an OS weak.

case in point - many Windows users fail to set the admin password. From
XP Pro to even Home edition.

Without proper knowledge, even the strongest/securest OS (OpenBSD case
in point) can be as open as a window (no pun intended).

Best regards,
Registerd Linux user number 448639

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