reformatting a disk for windows98

Dave Scott dscott91 at
Sun Aug 12 20:54:46 UTC 2007

Well there's always:
1. install wine
2. install vmware under wine/win
3. install win98 under vmware

can we spell cpu at 100% :)

PS. I still think the simplest would be to boot from the win98 disk and go from there.

OK, the competition is now on!  Who can come up with the most convoluted 
method of playing Win98 games


SteVe Cook wrote:
>> What about installing Windows 98 in VirtualBox and run the games off
>> of that?  Of course if there are 3d games then it might have issues?
>>>> try using wine.
>>>> to install wine, type:
>>>> sudo apt-get install wine

David E. Scott             614-457-1037
DScott91 at   Software Development

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