BAAAAAD problem with Feisty kernel

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Sun Aug 12 16:38:15 UTC 2007

On Sun, 2007-08-12 at 12:33 -0300, Felipe Figueiredo wrote:
> On Saturday 11 August 2007 15:38:39 NoOp wrote:
> > So, 
> > the *only* way that 'ferm' could appear on your machine is if you
> > installed it.
> Don't be silly. Packages often get installed as dependencies for other 
> packages.
> philsf at peralta:~$ apt-cache rdepends ferm
> ferm
> Reverse Depends:
>   shorewall-lite
>   shorewall
> So, ferm is automatically installed if shorewall is installed, at least in 
> Feisty. 

No, this is wrong. Read the dependencies for shorewall, and you will see
that it shows up as a reverse dependency because it /conflicts/ with
shorewall. Nothing whatsoever depends on ferm.

And in any case, shorewall is not installed be default, either. Thus,
even if ferm /were/ a dependency of shorewall, ferm being installed by
shorewall being installed certainly would not count as "suddenly

> Even then, if you were certain it couldn't be installed automatically (which 
> you shouldn't be, because you don't know if the OP has shorewall)

Sorry, but if the OP had ferm installed because of shorewall, I am
pretty sure he would have no reason to claim it as an Ubuntu bug.

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