[Need testers] Conceal: an encrypted folder manager for Linux

Donald D Henson wepin at wepin.com
Fri Aug 10 12:13:38 UTC 2007

Kevin Dunglas wrote:
> Hi,
> a public version of my Summer of Code Project is available.
> It's a set of tools to encrypt directories on Linux and especially
> Ubuntu. It includes:
> - a Python module
> - a command line tool
> - a GTK interface
> - a highly experimental KDE interface
> I need feedbacks to debug, stabilize this software :)
> You can get source, Ubuntu packages and a more detailed article on my blog :
> http://life.lapin-blanc.net/blog/keyes/2007/08/09/conceal-encrypted-folder-manager
> Thanks.
I'd be happy to be one of your testers. I was, in fact, getting ready to
try my hand at installing EncFS on a new laptop but your approach
intrigues me. I do have one problem. Your English is about a thousand
times better than my French. It is French, right? I may have to ask for
a translation on occasion. I'll download and install in a day or two and
will then start providing feedback.

By the way, what is your background in cryptography?

Donald D. Henson, Managing Director
West El Paso Information Network
The "Non-Initiation of Force Principle" Rules

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