klauncher, can't live with it, can't shoot it

Michael James ubuntu at james.st
Fri Aug 10 02:07:30 UTC 2007

Anyone know how to stop klauncher going berserk?

I'm reading email in kmail and painstakingly
 pasting any interesting URLs into firefox.

Should I accidentally left-click on any links klauncher goes berserk,
 the cursor starts flashing the konqueror icon (looks like a sea mine).

ps -ef shows an ever-changing population of klauncher
 attaching to /tmp/ksocket-  

The only way to stop it is to kill the klauncher parent,
 and then I have a dead KDE desktop.
Trying to re-launch it gets me nothing but a warning
 that this is meant to be part of kdestartup, no command line invocation.

So I have to log out and back in again.
This can't be normal, but it happens every time.

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


Michael James                         michael.james at csiro.au
System Administrator                    voice:  02 6246 5040
CSIRO Bioinformatics Facility             fax:  02 6246 5166

No matter how much you pay for software,
 you always get less than you hoped.
Unless you pay nothing, then you get more.

-- Konqueror has gotten so clever for its own boots  that it has forgotten 
what a web browser is for.

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