Write to floppy?

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Thu Aug 9 19:19:24 UTC 2007

On 08/08/2007 09:40 PM, Stanczak Group wrote:
> I'll give it a shot, but why wouldn't the -w work when trying to mount? 
> Also, why is this needed? Like others, I would think this is something 
> that would just work?

It should have if you have the permissions set; check out Rich's response:

> Look at your settings via the gui:
> 1. Open  "System / Administration / Users and Groups"
> 2. Highlight the user in question and select "Properties"
> 3. Select the "User Privileges" tab
> 4. Make sure "Use floppy drives" is checked
> hth
> -rich

My guess is that is the problem. Note: you'll need to log out & log back
in for the permissions to stick. I tried it without logging in/out and
the permissions didn't take effect until the new log in.

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