wifi on boot?

Björn Lundin b.f.lundin at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 17:02:33 UTC 2007

On Thursday 09 August 2007 02:49:31 Karl Auer wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-08-08 at 22:05 +0000, Bill Marcum wrote:
> > sudo aptitude remove zeroconf
> I'd like to get rid of the avahi stuff too, so this looked very
> promising. Except that there is no such package as "zeroconf"... at
> least not that I can find in Synaptic...

I found, by searching in synaptic, lots of avahi stuff installed.
Also, i found avahi-daaemon running, via ps.

But it all started to work,after I did a wreckless 'update everythin taht 
needs it'

Thanks anyway.

(I am about to look at the map-stuff, to bring down eth1 (wlan) and bring up 
eth0 (lan) when the lan adapter is plugged in, and vice versa.)

b.f.lundin at gmail.com

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