Write to floppy?
Stanczak Group
justin at stanczakgroup.com
Thu Aug 9 00:23:29 UTC 2007
Further, I do not have an entry in fstab for the floppy drive.
larry shields wrote:
> cj wrote:
>> norman wrote:
>>>>>> When I put a floppy in it opens as read only. I've tried accessing as
>>>>>> root and trying to mount it with -w as root. It just won't let me.
>>>>>> Anyone know why?
>>>>> Are you sure that the little tab on the floppy has not been set to read
>>>>> only? If it has, slide it up or down which ever the case may be.
>>>>> Norman
>>>> norman, if he has the tab set to allow reading and writing, you still
>>>> have ubuntu to deal with as it, for some reason, allows only the root
>>>> user to write to teh floppy
>>> I must admit it is a long time since I used a floppy but, if you want, I
>>> will try to find one and see what happens. However, I am convinced that
>>> floppies are easily mounted and used.
>>> Norman
>> right..you just have to access them with root permissions to write to
>> them. otherwise you can only read
>> --cj
> Try mounting the floppy, like this...
> Mount /media/floppy0, then cd /media/floppy0, you then should see the
> prompt say norman at whatever:/media/floppy0 your floppy drives LED should
> light up...
> The do an 'ls' to list the files, now too write to the floppy you have
> to be root...
> Hope this helps you...
> Larry
Justin Stanczak
Stanczak Group
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Edmund Burke
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