Write to floppy?

norman norman at littletank.org
Wed Aug 8 20:07:17 UTC 2007

> >> When I put a floppy in it opens as read only. I've tried accessing as 
> >> root and trying to mount it with -w as root. It just won't let me. 
> >> Anyone know why?
> >>     
> >
> > Are you sure that the little tab on the floppy has not been set to read
> > only? If it has, slide it up or down which ever the case may be.
> >
> > Norman
> >
> >
> >   
> norman, if he has the tab set to allow reading and writing, you still 
> have ubuntu to deal with as it, for some reason, allows only the root 
> user to write to teh floppy

I must admit it is a long time since I used a floppy but, if you want, I
will try to find one and see what happens. However, I am convinced that
floppies are easily mounted and used.


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