System Restore
Andreas Girlich
agi at
Wed Aug 8 09:10:09 UTC 2007
maybe is what you're looking for.
> Hi,
> Does anybody know of an application that will let me create an image of
> a working system, burn that image to CD or DVD and then at a later date
> boot from the CD/DVD and automatically rebuild the system as it was when
> the image was taken ?
> I've used systemimager in the past but this isn't quite what is required
> in this situation - I can get it to do the job but there is a lot of
> faffing about.
> I can do the process manually, i.e. create a boot disk, create some tar
> files, create some config files and put them all onto the cd/dvd but I'm
> sure somebody somewhere must have already automated this process, I just
> can't find it - maybe its google blindness :-(
> D
> ubuntu/users-2008-08-08.tx ubuntu-users
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Dave Restall, Computer Nerd, Cyclist, Radio Amateur G4FCU, Bodger |
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> | email : dave at Web : Not Ready Yet :-( |
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> | You mean now I can SHOOT YOU in the back and further BLUR th' distinction |
> | between FANTASY and REALITY? |
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