Dell Inspiron 1501 WiFi (RESOLVED)

Paul S paulatgm at
Wed Aug 8 00:09:36 UTC 2007

Your welcome.

Donald D Henson said the following on 08/07/2007 05:13 PM:
> Donald D Henson wrote:
>> Kenneth Loafman wrote:
>>> Donald D Henson wrote:
>>>> Kenneth Loafman wrote:
>>>>> Donald D Henson wrote:
>>>>>> Has anyone gotten a Dell Inspiron 1501 Laptop working on WiFi?If you
>>>>>> have, would you be willing to help me get mine working? I've used
>>>>>> several step-by-step howtos, doing several after a fresh install of
>>>>>> Ubuntu 7.04. I literally did over a dozen fresh installs, none of which
>>>>>> worked. At one point, I got the hardware recognized but then couldn't
>>>>>> get the driver to connect up. I've used drivers from various places. I
>>>>>> need help. Anybody?
>>>>> Yes, and its not too bad at all.  You need the latest driver from Dell,
>>>>> R140747.exe, and ndiswrapper 1.47 (or later) from their web site, then
>>>>> follow the directions here and it will work.  The ndiswrapper that comes
>>>>> with the distro is too old.
>>>>> ...Ken
>>>> Thanks for the details. That's what I've been missing. One quick dumb
>>>> question. I followed the link to Ubuntu Forums that you gave. I can see
>>>> all the discussions about the how-to but I can't find the how-to itself.
>>>> (Yes, I'm a registered user and yes, I was logged in at the time.) I
>>>> know that I'm missing something really simple but I can't see it. Help?
>>> The howto is the first message of the thread.
>>> ...Ken
>> Got it. Thanks again. By the way, it appears that you have to switch the
>> Display Mode to Threaded. At least that makes it easier to find the
>> first post of the thread. Now, one more fresh install...
>> Don Henson
> Thanks again for the specifics and thanks to the author of the HOWTO. My
> laptop is currently downloading 108 updates over a 54 MB/s wifi link.
> I'm as happy as a pig in...well, you know.

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