GStreamer user documentation?

Scott (angrykeyboarder) geekboy at
Tue Aug 7 21:59:07 UTC 2007

Peter Garrett spake thusly:
> On Tue, 07 Aug 2007 11:34:28 -0700
> "Scott (angrykeyboarder)" <geekboy at> wrote:
>> Who provided that original documentation to begin with and where can I
>> find it. My logic dictates it comes from the GStreamer folks but as I
>> stated there is nothing on their website.
>> If it's installed with GStreamer, I've not been able to find it.
> I don't know if this will help, but I did 
>  apt-cache search gstreamer doc
> just now and there seem to be several documentation packages for
> gstreamer0.8 and gstreamer0.10 

Been there done that. It's just a reproduction of much of what's on the
GStreamer website.
> Whether these are what you are looking
> for, I don't know - and yes, it seems odd that the gstreamer web page would
> not have such information...

Considering how many out there say GStreamer is practically the greatest
thing since sliced bread, you'd figure there would be *some* official
user documentation somewhere.  I did find something in Yelp, but it's
just like what you find on various user web pages/blogs. It only lists
*one* example (like the one I listed).

I seem to recall reading a user suggestion on the the Ubuntu Wiki (this
was probably a year or so ago) that Ubuntu switch from totem-gstreamer
to totem-xine as it's more "user friendly".  An Ubuntu dev responded and
said that said that (to paraphrase) "No, Totem-gstreamer is now to the
point that this isn't necessary".

That was some time ago and I still disagree with that assessment.

Turning back to the GStreamer website, there are several mailing lists
listed there and naturally none of them are for users...

Perhaps I'll "crash" one and ask the same questions I've asked here. ;)

©2007 angrykeyboarder™ & Elmer Fudd. All Wites Wesewved

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