MP3 - cant delete songs

Wade Smart wade at
Mon Aug 6 00:12:22 UTC 2007

Wade Smart wrote:
> Steve Grace wrote:
>> On Sun, 2007-08-05 at 16:19 -0500, Wade Smart wrote:
>>> 08052007 1614 GMT-6 DST
>>> I deleted the .trash folder as well and it still has songs. I found some
>>> threads in quite a few forums about this problem and apparently no one
>>> has an exact answer. Oddly, even the Sandisk people dont either. I
>>> emailed them and they emailed back with -"...and follow the directions
>>> on this page (link) and that should solve this problem." Who ever
>>> answered didnt read my message at all because I specifically quoted that
>>> link and three others as not working at all.
>> A similar problem happened to my niece using a Sansa m250. The solution
>> that worked for her was to run a disk check to fix errors. In her case
>> it was in Windows, but perhaps a FAT file system can be fixed within
>> Ubuntu as well.
>> Good luck!
> 08052007 1859 GMT-6 DST
> I ran the error check on my windows laptop and nothing. So now Im 
> running defrag even though its not needed. Thanks for the heads up.
> wade
08052007 1911 GMT-6 DST

I found a thread that said to reformat the drive. I did that and 
everything is gone. YEA!!


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