How to determine version of Ubuntu

Davide Corio davide.corio at
Sat Aug 4 20:02:12 UTC 2007

Il giorno sab, 04/08/2007 alle 15.58 -0400, Yanni Enya ha scritto:
> Joel,
> I ran that command and got 
> lsb_release -r
> Release:        6.06
> I installed all the updates and I still get 6.06.  Any ideas?
> I even downloaded the image file and burned it to a CD and was unable
> to boot the system from the CD in order to install the 7.04 version.
> How shall I try?

edit your /etc/apt/source.list and search/replace edgy with feisty.

Then run:
apt-get dist-ugrade

Davide Corio
email: davide.corio<at>

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