DD is not working

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at gmx.de
Wed Aug 1 20:35:02 UTC 2007

(``-_-ยดยด) -- Fernando wrote:
> On Wednesday 01 August 2007 17:18:57 cj wrote:
>> dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/debian/name.iso
> try #dd if=/cdrom of=/home/debian/name.iso
do not mount the device you want to dd from.
For test
try another physical CD and/or, if you have, another drive to read from.

try as root:
dd if /dev/hdc of=/path/to/younameit.iso (where "hdc" is the device name
of your cd rom, that you are reading from. Change that for what you
actually have)


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