Any thoughts on Freespire? (Ubuntu based)

Paul S paulatgm at
Wed Aug 1 17:32:20 UTC 2007

Dotan Cohen said the following on 08/01/2007 08:41 AM:
> The next time I distro hop, I will probably look into Freesprire, a
> distro that I've yet to try. I like their philosophy regarding
> proprietary software. As I do use proprietary software, such as mp3

You know that realplayer provides a linux version which also includes 
legal licensed (by realmedia) plugins for mp3 and wmv, so if you're 
worried about it, just stick to realplayer.

> and encrypted DVD support, this might be a good, legal way to obtain
> what I need.
> What is the Ubuntu community's view of Freespire?
> Dotan Cohen

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