Problem with file sharing in KDE

Gabriel Dragffy dragffy at
Mon Apr 30 14:24:57 UTC 2007

Pete Holsberg wrote:
> Pete Holsberg keyed the following on 4/29/2007 8:08 PM:
>> Gabriel Dragffy keyed the following on 4/29/2007 7:20 PM:
>>> Pete Holsberg wrote:
>>>> I opened the window that leads to File Sharing and it says I need to be 
>>>> in Administrator Mode to be able to make changes, so I clicked that 
>>>> button and entered my password.
>>>> Now I have a window that is outlined in red and the stuff inside is so 
>>>> grayed-out as to be unreadable!!
>>>> I've been able to use Admin Mode for other things with no problems, so 
>>>> what could this be?
>>>> Kubuntu 6.10 on a Dell with a Dell 15" LCD monitor.
>>>> Thanks.
>>> It could be that you don't have both NFS or Samba installed. Are you 
>>> able to check you have one of these installed?
>> I suppose that's a real possibility!! How do I check?
> Never mind. I took a chance and installed samba but couldn't figure out 
> from apt-cache search which NFS package I needed to install.

Oh yes, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner.

In my experience nfs-kernel has done well for me. But my preference is 
for Samba, not because it has better performance (it doesn't it has far 
worse performance) but because of it's configurability and 
compatibility. At home we have a whole mix of machines, but by using 
Samba we can forget about the differences between linux and M$.

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