emacs "forward-word" fails after Feisty

Yuelin Li liy12 at mskcc.org
Mon Apr 30 12:56:39 UTC 2007

I updated to Feisty Fawn from Edgy through the "Update Manager".
There was no problem in the update.  However, emacs-23.0.0 (compiled
from source) gives me a problem.  When I press Control-rightarrow I
get ';5C' instead of the forward-word I expect.  I get ';5D' when I
press Control-leftarrow.

This only happens when I run 'emacs -nw' in a gnome-terminal.  It
works as expected in the gui mode.  I have recompiled emacs,
reinstalled ubuntu base-files, checked emacs key-bindings
(M-rightarrow works though); I have also checked ~/.inputrc and
/etc/inputrc.  Everything seems fine.

Could it be a problem in gnome-terminal 2.18?  I have anther machine
running gnome-terminal v. 2.14.  The arrows work fine when I ssh in
with gnome-terminal v.2.14.  Any suggestions on how I should proceed?


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