That's torn it! - DOESN"T MATTER ANYWAY

Gabriel Dragffy dragffy at
Mon Apr 30 11:59:21 UTC 2007

Gabriel Dragffy wrote:
> Just tried both the Desktop and Alternate CDs, the computer boots to 
> their menu (where I get to select my installation type, video and key 
> layouts), and it all freezes. The menu itself has a time that counts 
> down from 30, that continues, but it seems like keyboard input is 
> ignored. Thus, I can't even boot to try and install on my MBP. Gonna 
> google it now, see what's what.

It would seem I'm not alone. The best suggestion I could fine was to 
install using Feisty Herd 4 and then upgrade it. Only problem is I 
deleted my Herd 4 images ages ago, now all the links to download Herd4 
are broken, the torrent doesn't work, and no one has it on aMule. Does 
anyone have a suggestion where i might be able to find a copy, please?

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