[OT] Astro Program
Gilles Gravier
Gilles at Gravier.org
Mon Apr 30 08:04:02 UTC 2007
KStars can be installed even without KDE desktop. It will trigger the
installation of the necessary underlying KDE libs, but will work
smoothly inside the GNOME desktop.
It *DOES* retain its KDE look, and in particular the configuration menus.
KStars will appear in your Applications->Education menu.
KStars doesn't use fancy resources, and I've run it on very slow machines...
If you have a 3D accelerator, Stellarium is very nice to look at as well.
bong bungalan wrote:
> Have tried installing the Kstars (an educational program for Kde which
> tell something about the stars, planets, galaxy, and others within the
> universe ) in Ubuntu feisty and it work well.
> Well, What i did really was installed the KDE desktop and when i log-in,
> kStars is already there :)
> bong
> das wrote:
>> Can any friend here suggest me a good program that will run on Ubuntu
>> Feisty 7.04 and help children (meant for my nephew aged 8) in getting
>> perception about the solar system, universe and these things? And
>> something that is not vulgarly resource hungry (I have only 512 MB RAM
>> with Athlon 1800+ XP).
>> ---
>> das
/*Gilles Gravier*/ *=* *Gilles at Gravier.org* <mailto:Gilles at Gravier.org>
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