Problem with file sharing in KDE

Pete Holsberg pjh42 at
Mon Apr 30 00:08:12 UTC 2007

Gabriel Dragffy keyed the following on 4/29/2007 7:20 PM:
> Pete Holsberg wrote:
>> I opened the window that leads to File Sharing and it says I need to be 
>> in Administrator Mode to be able to make changes, so I clicked that 
>> button and entered my password.
>> Now I have a window that is outlined in red and the stuff inside is so 
>> grayed-out as to be unreadable!!
>> I've been able to use Admin Mode for other things with no problems, so 
>> what could this be?
>> Kubuntu 6.10 on a Dell with a Dell 15" LCD monitor.
>> Thanks.
> It could be that you don't have both NFS or Samba installed. Are you 
> able to check you have one of these installed?

I suppose that's a real possibility!! How do I check?

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