Installing KUMPPA

alex aradsky at
Sun Apr 29 00:15:20 UTC 2007

Gabriel Dragffy wrote:

>alex wrote:
>>I'm running an installed 6.10 and would like to install a screen saver 
>>called 'kumppa'.  I don't see it in /usr/share/man/man6 so I tried to 
>>use Synaptic Package Manager to get it but I need help because I'm not 
>>familiar with SPM.
>>Where can I find the necessary information to use SPM properly?   Of 
>>course, I'd appreciate direct assistance, too.
>>KUMPPA is in my KNOPPIX  bootable DVD so I was wondering if there's some 
>>way I can copy it into 6.10.
>Actually if you run Synaptic, the HELP menu is quite useful. There's a 
>brief intro, and more detailed help.
>As for Kumppa in particular I ran a search using aptitude and didn't 
>find it in the 'standard' repositories (universe, multiverse, main, etc).

>All I can suggest is find it on Knoppix and try copying it to a similar 
>location in Ubuntu.

Thanks for the info about SPM.  I'll try resetting the permissions in 
KNOPPIX /usr/share/mnt/man6/kumppa.6x.gz and see if I can copy to UBUNTU 

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