Thanks Ubuntu .......... but

NoOp glgxg at
Sat Apr 28 22:56:14 UTC 2007

On 04/28/2007 12:29 AM, Anthony Gardner wrote:
>Nope, still can't it working!! debiani, was yours a fresh feisty install
or an upgrade?
> I've tried using mplayer, totem, xine and gxine. All i hear is the
> advert then the application stops.
> All my libs are up to date, I've even tried  removing /usr/lib/codecs
> to see if these applications would thrwo a wobbly ........... but
> they didn't.
> There are no error s to offer ........ maybe they've blocked non UK
> IP addresses.

Nope - I just tried the site from Windows & it plays just fine so it's
nothing to do with the no-UK IP's. It is definately something to do with
the linux player(s).

Please bottom post :-)

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