good after noon sir - Addendum

Rambo enigma at
Thu Apr 26 03:36:19 UTC 2007

Harry L. Lee wrote:
> I expected my reply to go only to the author of the original phishing 
> message. my apologies for offending everyone's gentle sensibilities. 
> perhaps the censors should spend more time on actual content than 
> being 4 letter cops. I personally find phishing offensive if not illegal.
> On 4/25/07, *Phil Pinkerton* <pcpinkerton at 
> <mailto:pcpinkerton at>> wrote:
>     He told someone named Phiser ??  to FO and die is what I saw and I
>     deleted it right away.
>     Matthew Flaschen wrote:
>     > Matthew Kuiken wrote:
>     >
>     >> Harry L. Lee wrote:
>     >>
>     >>> <censored for rude content>
>     >>>
>     >> #1, Please follow the code of conduct:
>     >>
>     >>
>     >> #2, what about the original email prompted this comment????
>     >>
>     >
>     > Probably the fact that it had nothing except a name and bad
>     punctuation.
>     >  I suspect it is spam, but Harry was still quite rude.
>     >
>     > Matt Flaschen
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     --
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> Harry L Lee (via gmail)
> chief cook and bottle washer
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you gotta be careful these days with what you send on the net, in an 
email, or blog. Read it twice, think a minute, and if it seems like 
someone might, possibly, for some reason take offense, then maybe it's 
best not said (or written). To send something that causes a ruckus, then 
say people are too sensitive is having a lack of communicating sense. 
Anyone who feels that way, does not understand how the written word can 
be misinterpreted, unlike actual speaking, where you have a chance to 
redeem yourself immediately while you speak, so that it's not taken the 
wrong way. You can't do this, or it's very hard to do in writing. (I'm 
not sure if you understand what I mean).

~Rick Donahue
      SeaMonkey Suite
   Ubuntu Linux Systems

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