Problem with top panel

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Mon Apr 23 16:29:11 UTC 2007

On Mon, 23 Apr 2007 08:52:16 -0400
"Andrew Robert" <andrew.arobert at> wrote:

> There was a widget on the panel that showed my wireless network connection
> and signal strength.
> Does anyone know how to get this back?

That sounds like " nm-applet " . 

It needs the " Notification Area " in order to display, so first add a
notification area to your panel. ( right click panel - Add to Panel -
Utilities - Notification Area )

If the applet doesn't appear, then try running the applet  from a terminal

nm-applet & disown %1

The "disown" part will make sure that the applet doesn't disappear when
you close the terminal - %1 refers to  the first "backgrounded" process, so
if you have other processes running from that terminal, check the number
with the command


(after typing the nm-applet line above)

If the applet doesn't appear, or refuses to connect , you can run

sudo  /etc/init.d/dbus restart

... but I doubt that this will be needed.


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