Question about Ubuntu.

Kendall Brown kendallbrown at
Wed Apr 11 19:12:20 UTC 2007

Hey Guys:

Just wanted to share some thoughts with you on something I tried 
recently and was hoping to use towards installing Ubuntu on my 
computer.  I tried a Live CD of Gentoo Linux recently and it worked 
perfectly.  I haven't been able to master the install process yet but 
just knowing that it is possible to have Linux on my system means a lot 
to me.  Any way...I wanted to know why Gentoo was able to load onto my 
box while everyone else kept hanging.  I did a little research and found 
something about the noapci command keeping computers from hanging on 
installations.  Could this be what's stopping me?  Is there a way to 
enter this command in a Ubuntu installation so I can test it out?  I'd 
also like know if anyone can tell me why my computer keeps locking up 
when I trade out hard drives with different OS on them?  After I fail 
with Linux I usually just switch out the hard drive with another one 
that contains a copy of Windows XP on it.  Everything is powered off 
before I attempt this but for some reason my computer acts like it 
remembers I had Ubuntu on it previously and begins to lock up while 
booting up Windows XP.  Any suggestions?

Kendall Brown

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