Webmail for multiple domains

Eelco Maljaars eelco at maljaars.net
Fri Apr 6 21:22:14 UTC 2007


>> Ive checked out various how-tos for Squirrelmail, Horde, Zimbra,
>> RoundBox, etc. They all seem to cater to people that are running
>> the mail server on the Linux box theyre setting the webmail up
>> for, and dont mention multiple domain hosting.

The guides only cover common scenarios and your scenario apparently is
not that common.

What I would do is this :

- install general apache2 / squirellmail from Ubuntu packages
- create a directory structure for every client :

- /opt/webmail/

Then, mv /etc/squirrelmail to /etc/squirrelmail.bak
copy the contents of /etc/squirrelmail/ to each client[x]/etc directory
en configure squirrelmail for that client using conf.pl (may need some
hand editing of paths in that script, don't know)

Lastly, created a virtual host file for every client containing
something like this:

<VirtualHost webmail.client1.com>

    DocumentRoot ....
    logfiles ....

    php_admin_value include_path /opt/webmail/client1/etc

This ofcourse is not a total guide. Stuff like the specific settings for
every squirellmail instance and some directory permissions need to be
set. I hope this gives you enough pointers to get you going.

Eelco Maljaars

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