Problems when booting up...

Larry Shields larry at
Tue Apr 24 13:08:24 UTC 2007

Phil Pinkerton wrote:
> It happened to me once. I corrected the name in /etc/hostname and it
> fixed the problem.
> that's it... sorry it did not help my problem had something to do with
> resolving hostname to set the DISPLAY and start kdm
> phil
> Larry Shields wrote:
>> Phil Pinkerton wrote:
>>> Check the hostname is in /etc/hosts and that it is spelled the same as
>>> in the /etc/hostname file
>>> Larry Shields wrote
>>>> I'm not sure if anyone has had this problem or not, but here is what 
>>>> happens when I boot the system up...
>>>> It starts out with grub, then show a black screen with a loading bar, 
>>>> but the bar gets just about to the end, then it reverts back to a black 
>>>> screen, with a login prompt...
>>>> I now have to login, then startx to get it up and running...Might anyone 
>>>> know how to correct the problem, so that it will bootup correctly...???
>>>> Thanks Larry
>> Hello Phil,
>> Well both have the same name, and are spelled correctly...Not sure why 
>> you would think that by having it spelled wrong would make the system 
>> not boot up correctly...
>> Thanks Larry
No problem Phil, thanks for atleast trying to help me...

Have a nice week... ;-)


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