The Ultimate Question - Upgrade or Re-Install?

Shawn McCuan smccuan at
Mon Apr 23 20:47:39 UTC 2007

I did an upgrade from Edgy to Feisty. It only took an hour to download
500-600MB of packages (5mbit/s service), and then the actual
installation portion took about 30 minuets on a laptop with 768MB RAM
and a 1.6Ghz processor...

I generally do an in-place upgrade for two consecutive versions, and
then a clean install on the next release (Mainly for data maintenance as
others have pointed out) (What i mean is that I installed 6.10 and
upgraded to 7.04, on feisty+1 I'll do a fresh install.) Personally
though, I think an upgrade is a far quicker option as long as you have a
decent broadband connection and you check release notes/forums for any
info about hardware incompatibilities...

On Mon, 2007-04-23 at 22:25 +0200, Jakob Lenfers wrote:
> Amichai Rotman schrieb:
> > I wold like to know - should I upgrade (using the Upgrade option in the
> > Update Notifier) or should I just d/l the whole ISO and fomat /
> > re-install from scratch?
> I would always upgrade. And if you're afraid its taking too long, just
> wait a couple of days, the main part of the updating should be over by
> then. And you can always continue working while the upgrade-process
> downloads files.
> Jakob
Shawn McCuan
smccuan at
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