The Ultimate Question - Upgrade or Re-Install?

NoOp glgxg at
Mon Apr 23 17:25:45 UTC 2007

On 04/23/2007 09:06 AM, Amichai Rotman wrote:
> Hi All,
> Please don't flame me for this ;-)
> I wold like to know - should I upgrade (using the Upgrade option in the
> Update Notifier) or should I just d/l the whole ISO and fomat / re-install
> from scratch?
> My system is on a separate partition, so I won't loose any data.
> Also, I hear the Lightscribe support issue was resolved in Feisty.
> Thanks!

Unless you've got a whole day to kill, I'd reinstall... see my thread:
Edgy to Feisty Upgrade - CD/Time

That said, the upgrade (albeit slower than reloading an entire IBM 3705)
worked as advertised for me. On my other systems, reinstalling from the
Alternate CD, moving the data back over etc., only took a few hours.
*But* then I spent a couple days tuning each desktop to get them back
just as I wanted them - so either way it will take time.

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