Edgy 2.6.10 taking tens of minutes to boot up

Janne Jokitalo janne.jokitalo at dnainternet.net
Mon Apr 23 14:24:38 UTC 2007

David Restall - System Administrator wrote:
>> Look for this line in /boot/grub/menu.lst:
>> # defoptions=quiet splash
>> Change that as you will, then update-grub will change the menu items 
>> accordingly.
> Thanks for your reply, I'm sure I've tried that and it has no effect,
> indeed the line goes back to as it was after editing.  I'll give it
> another go - it was quite a while ago since I last looked at the problem
> - I'm now in the habit of simply doing a :%s/quiet// in menu.lst if I
> notice the boot is quiet :-)

That's interesting, I don't remember that ever happening on any of my 
systems. Sorry if you already mentioned it, I have missed it then, but 
what version are you running? I just dropped 'quiet' in Feisty, and it 
remains to be seen when the next update comes, what happens. :)

Just to make sure, you are keeping the '#' char at the beginning of that 
row, when you make changes and save the file correctly (I suppose one 
could ask whether you open the file with appropriate permissions, too)?

Kind regards,


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