Edgy 2.6.10 taking tens of minutes to boot up

David Restall - System Administrator dave at restall.net
Mon Apr 23 07:10:28 UTC 2007

Hi Nigel

> I'm writing this on another machine whilst waiting for Edgy to boot up


> this causing problems? Is there anything I can insert at the GRUB prompt
> to let the machine know that that is handling the graphics? Anyway,
> why should I have to!?! Surely, that's the job of /etc/X11/xorg.conf!!

Are you sure it's X that's causing the problem.  Edit the boot command
and turn quiet off so you can see all the boot messages and see where it

You should have a line like :-

kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-28-386 root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet

remove the quiet and boot the machine.  When it boots you will see lots
of diagnostic messages.  At some point it will pause and you will get an
idea of why its pausing - hopefully - unless it is an xorg problem.

It's my pet hate with ubuntu, every time a kernel is upgraded, it
rewrites the grub config and turns quiet on, I haven't yet managed to
sort out how to change the default without some serious hacking.  Having
a noisy boot is preferable to a quiet one IMHO.

> > My work around is never to turn off my machine - unless I'm away on
> > holiday - which I have been for the last week.

Holiday ? whats all that about then - is it some new software package ;-)

> Can anyone tell me what is actually happening here?

You may also see something in /var/log/Xorg.0.log*.


ubuntu/users-2007-04-23.tx             npauli at st-johns.org.uk ubuntu-users
| Dave Restall, Computer Nerd, Cyclist, Radio Amateur G4 FCU, Bodger         |
| Mob +44 (0) 7973 831245      Skype: dave.restall             Radio: G4 FCU |
| email : dave at restall.net                     Web : Not Ready Yet :-(       |
| He jests at scars who never felt a wound.                                  |
|         -- Shakespeare, "Romeo and Juliet, II. 2"                          |

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