Problem installing Sun JDK to xubuntu

Knute Johnson knute at
Mon Apr 23 02:15:59 UTC 2007

>On Sun, 22 Apr 2007 10:05:50 -0700
>"Knute Johnson" <knute at> wrote:
>> In the process of loading I got to where it 
>> pops up a text box and asks to OK the license.  I can't get by this 
>> point.  Pressing <ENTER> or the space bar and every combination I can 
>> think of it won't dismiss the box.  I've tried to restart it and it 
>> comes back to the same place and I can't go on.
>Not sure what this particular "box" looks like, but often you have to hit
>the <tab> key  to highlight "OK" before pressing <enter>

You're the man Peter.  I'm sure that is the only key I didn't try!  
Turns out you can't highlight it with the mouse, it takes the tab 

Thanks again,

Knute Johnson
Molon Labe...

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