shell via serial

Carl Karsten carl at
Sun Apr 22 16:37:32 UTC 2007

Brian Fahrlander wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Carl Karsten wrote:
>> I boot feisty on Box1 with console=ttyS0,115200 and see all my boot messages in 
>> minicom on a 2nd box.  So my serial ports and null modem are hooked up.  what do 
>>   I need to do to get a shell login prompt?
>> In the ol days, I did this in inittab
>> #1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty /dev/ttyS1 -x 5
>> now I nave no inittab...  what do I do?
>     Ya see?  That's why I don't upgrade from Dapper.  :)
>     It sounds like you're an old-timer like me...I used to *always* have
> a serial terminal around, and for about two decades, could tell you the
> pinouts you need on various serial devices.
>     Not to get too off-track, but is there some reason you don't use the
> networking? You can direct the 'console' messages five ways from Friday...

I am trying to setup something similar to:

What I am really trying to do is make a bridge that will let a normal wifi AP be 
the 'remote' side of a bridge.  (I should just go buy an AP that will let me 
configure it as a bride, but that's no fun :)

as I try things that don't work quite right, I keep loosing my ssh session, and 
sometimes any/all networking. I tried adding a 2nd nic just for getting the 
configuration working, but I would loose my connection to it too.

Carl K

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