problem using amarok
Eamonn Sullivan
eamonn.sullivan at
Fri Apr 20 15:02:52 UTC 2007
On 4/20/07, Luca Ferrari <fluca1978 at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm able to make my laptop sound but when I try to play an mp3 in amarok I get
> a strange behaviour: the player skips to the next song very quickly and no
> play is emitted. Moreover, no errors appears. The same file, reproduced with
> another audio progam works very well. My distro is kubuntu 7.1, is there a
> library or something I must update on my system to get amarok working?
I've seen that behaviour when I don't have the correct codecs to play
the song. I'm afraid I don't know what you need to install for the
(KDE-based) Amarok to play MP3s, but I'm sure someone does.
This might help:
You don't mention what version of Ubuntu you're using. If it's the
latest 7.04, try playing the same file in a gnome application, like
Rhythmbox, and see if it asks to install some software to enable it to
play MP3s.
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