photos on website

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Fri Apr 20 10:46:49 UTC 2007

On Fri, 20 Apr 2007 09:44:11 +0100
norman <norman at> wrote:

> I use Ubuntu 6.10 and have a website space available so, all I need, I
> hope, is some recommended reading and or software.

Hi Norman -

As Ben says, you can do this with gthumb. I had not tried it myself, but I
had a go :) This is what I did -

0) Made a directory called "gallery" in my home dir (actually this is
important - gthumb dumps *all* the html, css, .png. .jpg  etc. files
wherever you tell it to, so a special directory is a good idea - I found
this out the hard way ;-)
1) Opened my 'pictures' directory in gthumb
2) Did a ctrl-a ( select all )
3) Tools - Create Web Album
4) In the dialog, clicked the button next to "Theme" and tried "best
fit" ( you will probably want to experiment with which theme you use )
5) Filled in header / footer ( these are just headings - if you want the
date of creation put %d in the footer field as suggested)
6) Play with the other options - I just ticked everything to see what
would happen , including "Copy originals to destination ;-)
7) click on "Save" ( browse to your gallery dir in the save dialog)

There will now be an "index.html" file in the "gallery" directory - click
on this and it should open in firefox. The result is quite nice, actually -
you can navigate from image to image, click on thumbnails etc

I suggest you experiment with a few images to see what you get. 

To put this on your website you would just upload all the files in the
directory, assuming that you are happy for your viewers to land at the
index.html page from the gallery. You can of course also have the gallery
directory as a subdirectory and link to it.

Hope this helps.... The results are quite presentable and better than I
expected to see.


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