where are the smb shares mounted?

Rashkae ubuntu at tigershaunt.com
Thu Apr 19 02:34:29 UTC 2007

Anthony M Simonelli wrote:
> You'll have to actually mount them to be able to access them from the
> command line or to use anything other than Gnome to access those files
> because if you notice, the address for the shares from Network Servers,
> it starts with smb:// meaning your actually not browsing a "mounted"
> filesystem.  Think of it as just browsing the SMB network as you would a
> web site instead of http://.  To actually mount an SMB share, you can
> use the smbmount command if you have smbfs package installed.

Or better yet, use cifs

sudo mount -t cifs //hostname/sharename -o \ 

smbfs is depricated and should be allowed to die.

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