Dapper to Feisty

Thilo Six T.Six at gmx.de
Wed Apr 18 22:36:23 UTC 2007

Tommy Trussell wrote the following on 17.04.2007 16:40:
> On 4/17/07, Tommy Trussell <tommy.trussell at gmail.com> wrote:
>> If you don't see the "upgrade" button I believe you can invoke
>> upgrade-manager from the command line with an additional argument in
>> order to make it appear.
> my apologies -- the command is update-manager, so the basic command is
> gksudo update-manager
> and I believe the command to make the upgrade button appear is:
> gksudo update-manager -c -d
> please correct me if I'm wrong

You are absolutly correct in advicing update-manager for the upgrade to a
newer Ubuntu Version.

But the -d switch means devel-release not dist-upgrade.
see update-manager -h

Upgrading using apt-get -- NOT RECOMMENDED

If you want to upgrade from 6.06 LTS to 6.10, run the following command
(either via ALT-F2 or a terminal):

gksu "update-manager -c"

The -c (or equivalently --check-dist-upgrades) switch instructs Update
Manager to look for upgrades. By default, the Ubuntu 6.06 LTS release will
not offer that automatically because of its long support cycle and high

HTH Thilo
i am on Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
- some friend of mine

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