preventing certain users from connecting to ssh via password

Adam McGreggor lists at
Wed Apr 18 14:42:52 UTC 2007

In html/multipart, ben darby wrote:
>> * Tomoki Taniguchi wrote:
>> is there anyway to allow password login on certain users
>> and requiring public/private key exchange on the others?

> not that im aware of, you can limit the users that can login, and then
> use publickey for some of those users but they will still be able to
> login with plain passwords aswell. an option might be to run another
> sshd service on a different port for the plain password users than the
> key users, then disable plain passwords on the 2nd service.

If your users connect from static(ish) ip addys, you could restrict
access to the SSHDs based on their addresses.

*very* simple to do with iptables

(at the risk of being whingey, can we *please* only send plain-text to
the list?)

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