
David Stubblebine dstubb.mylists at gmail.com
Wed Apr 18 03:21:13 UTC 2007

On Apr 17, 2007, at 2:58 PM, Ed Smits wrote:

> YamiPod is independant, neither KDE nor Gnome - there is a 1 mb
> libfmodex audio library to be added to /usr/lib, the executable is 14
> MB itself, no other installation required, dead nuts simple to
> install. It's a pretty good iPod manager, however it isn't a music
> manager like Amerok, RythmBox etc, capable of handling all of your
> music files as well, at least as far as I can see.

I like PenguinTV for this...

David Stubblebine
Norwalk, OH

"Power corrupts.  Absolute power is kind of neat"
-- John Lehman, Secretary of the Navy, 1981-1987

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