Dapper to Feisty

H.S.Rai hardeep.rai at gmail.com
Tue Apr 17 13:53:41 UTC 2007

About few months back, I read on Internet about pains of moving from
daper to Edgy, so I decided to remain with dapper. But now with
Feisty, I would like to move to Feisty. On Internet, advise found is
to go from Dapper to Edgy and then to Feisty. So, I upgraded to Edgy,
by updating first, and then replacing dapper with edgy in source.list,
then doing apt-get update, upgrade. To find that nautilus aborted
unexpected. I updated a number of times. Still problem is there. All
applications like, OOwriter, even terminal windows takes a lot of time
to open. System is quite slow. Installing afresh on same system works
fine, but fresh installation is not always desirable. Upgradation is
mostly desired to preserve data and settings.

Is something wrong with my way to upgrade, or upgradation is always
bumpy ride. Is there a better way or tool for this purpose.
dist-upgrade appears from name to do upgradation of distribution, but
as I found it is no so.

Please help me by suggesting how to go to dapper to Feisty.


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