Can´t view DVD content

Cesar Augusto Suarez cemaaiem at
Tue Apr 17 13:19:09 UTC 2007

De: Cesar Augusto Suarez <cemaaiem at>
Para: ubuntu-users at
Enviado: lunes, 16 de abril, 2007 9:01:01
Asunto: Can´t view DVD content

I´ve burned some DVD´s with the Windows vista integrated DVD Burn, an off course, when i insert the DVD i can view the copntent, but when i insert the same DVD on Kubuntu Feisty, i can´t view the content, even if the CD/DVd its correctly mounted (automomunt enabled).
The system (Linux) shows me the option what i wanna do, i choose "open i new window" but bothing happens.
any idea?

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