rescue cd for amd64/lvm?

Rashkae ubuntu at
Tue Apr 17 02:46:14 UTC 2007

Matt Price wrote:
> hi,
> my system has somehow gotten hosed (i suspect my son pulling the plug
> had something to do with it); the boot process stalls when it gets to
> mounting the root filesystem, which is an lvm filesystem.  i would like
> to boot into a cd environment and chroot into the old filesystem, but am
> having trouble finding an amd64 rescue cd on which lvm actually works.
> i i tried ubuntu feisty but the lvm tools are missing; when i tried to
> apt-get update i got an error about "no lvscan found for the version of
> LVM on your computer" -- i don't know whether that perhaps has something
> to do with the kernel or some such.  And i386 images can't read my amd64
> filesystems.  So does anyone have any suggestions?  thanks muchly,

Why can't i386 images read your amd64 filesystems?  I thought all the
filesystems used the same format (with the exception of XFS log
structure, that if needed you can dump with xfs_repair

(sorry, I know I did not answer your question.)

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