cannot open system/admin/printing, cups errors, cups server could not be contacted...

Scott Lockwood scott at
Fri Apr 13 20:26:10 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-04-13 at 22:08 +0200, gerhard wrote:
> /var/log/cups/error_log.
> E [13/Apr/2007:20:28:46 +0200] Unable to bind socket for address
> - Address already in use.
> E [13/Apr/2007:20:28:46 +0200] cupsdStartBrowsing: Unable to bind
> broadcast socket - Address already in use.

Excellent! That's the problem - something else is already using port
631. Now, to find out what.

What do you see when you type

'sudo netstat -a'

Feel free to use gsudo or whatever if you need to. I've not had trouble
with regular sudo for this though.

Scott Lockwood

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