Windows Info

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at
Fri Apr 13 14:17:05 UTC 2007

Chris wrote:
> Brian Astill wrote:
>> On Friday 13 April 2007 13:35, Saad Kabir wrote:
>>> I have a quick question that can ubuntu coexist with windows
>>> vista Business
>> The only sensible way to use Linux of any kind is to "dual boot".
>> You use Partition Magic (or similar) - or you could use qtparted, 
>> which comes as part of the Ubuntu install disk- to create a 
>> second (empty) partition, leaving your Windows data intact on the 
>> other.  You then install Ubuntu on the empty second partition.
>> Unless Vista has done something diabolical, a grub menu will be 
>> created automatically and will allow you to choose between Vista 
>> and Ubuntu when you restart your computer.  
> Unless MS has done something to allow for dual booting after RC2, then
> it just won't work.
> Based on my experience w/RC2 - getting Vista to dual boot ANYTHING was
> impossible.

GRUB can handle dual-booting Vista easily.  It's just that installer
haven't learned to recognize it yet.  See
for instructions.

Matthew Flaschen

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